বৃহস্পতিবার, ৩১ জুলাই, ২০১৪

Create a Positive Happy Family

We all see examples of happy & unhappy families both in real life and on the television and movie screen. If you want your child to be positive, then create a happy family.

Children need to feel loved and they're an important part of our unit. Even children who have terrible parents still love them. Unfortunately,terrible parents often bring up equally terrible children because that's all the kids ever see. Most children think that this negative role model is perfectly normal and this is how they should behave as well. 

Some Ways You Can Create a Happy Family

Family traditions bring the family close together on special occasion. They could include how you celebrate birthdays and special holidays, e.g. family barbecues, parties, reading special book, singing song, watching family moviee or going on holiday together. I've seen many families who go away camping together as a group every festival & this is often passed down through the generations.

Play sport, join a club or do activities together.Everyone in my immediate family (wife, kids & myself) surf. There is nothing better then going out for a surfing session together. Other families all become involved in their local sporting club, theatre group etc.

Don't encourage your family members to be competitive with each other. Model and praise your children when they support and cheer on their family members. Be careful not to spoil one member or give more attention to one child over another.

Have guidelines, rules and boundaries that are clear & understood. You need to be consistent with everyone in the family. Family jealousy will erupt if you are not fair. Eat together at night time. The statistics for the amount of time parent spend talking to their children are terrifying. The average parent spent less then 40 min a week talking to their child. If you have a family dinner time, you can talk to your children for around 30 min & this allow you to find out about their day, how they're going with school, sport, friends interests etc. This time also allow sibling the time to talk to appreciate each other. Each family approaches eating dinner differently,some like to eat in  front of the TV, others at the dining table. Honestly it really doesn't matter as long as you're all together and talking. 

Some children aren't  allowed to speak during dinner time & I think this is a huge mistake. Eating together also gives parents of tweens and teens the opportunity to monitor what their children are eating & how much they are eating

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